Author Archives: admin

KRC Research

Developed thought leadership for a top research firm.

Research and Insights
  • Crafted white paper detailing KRC research process and the importance of using research-based data to enhance relationships with clients and stakeholder audiences
  • Developed thought-starters for possible research topics based on yearly observances and holidays
  • Developed overviews of new research offerings

Jeffrey Fashion Cares

Integrated all communications under one organizational umbrella for an LGBT fundraiser.

Strategic Communications
  • Strategized with media relations departments of major sponsors on how best to integrate their executives into relevant media opportunities
  • Launched organization’s first mobile campaign to raise awareness and sell tickets
Process Improvements
  • Created internal communications structures and processes that enabled the organization to make more productive use of its volunteers and to fully exploit its media opportunities
  • Integrated all communications outreach, including social media, under one organizational umbrella

Solar One

Crystallized messaging and vision for an environmental and green building nonprofit.

Strategic Communications
  • Created integrated messaging around the organization’s development plans and educational activities
  • Advised on outreach to environmental and entertainment industries around their Fall Gala

Out Leadership

Launched a new organization to bring senior executives into the LGBT discussion.

Research and Insights
  • Created global thought leadership series “Thinking outside the Closet” and co-wrote the first two white papers
Strategic Communications
  • Launched organization and subsequent expansions into Europe and Asia with the founder
  • Led media relations around each of the organization’s summits in coordination with the media relations departments from all member companies
  • Crafted statements and developed media outreach programs around issues important to the LGBT community, including marriage equality and the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act

NYC Administration for Children’s Services

Created a strategic narrative to broadcast the success of a government agency’s strategic plan.

Strategic Communications
  • Created a messaging platform focused on conveying success of the NYC-ACS 2011 strategic plan
  • Developed the final report for the 2011 strategic plan, including infographics and brochure
  • Developed recommendations to help all parts of the NYC-ACS integrate and communicate the successes of the plan
  • Developed and led a “Marketing 101” educational session for foster care agencies working with the NYC-ACS—constructed to upskill them on the basics of marketing in their communities


Reengineered a leading accounting firm’s employee engagement survey.

Strategic Communications
  • Analyzed and developed recommendations for improving company engagement survey to increase survey participation amongst diverse employees, with a special focus on LGBT employees

HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services

Revitalized perception with new branding and marketing materials for a leading nonprofit.

Strategic Communications
  • Created a new logo and tagline for the American Dream Program
  • Developed a marketing/fundraising brochure and video to relaunch program and its additional support services beyond the core scholarship program


Brought new creative thinking and marketing direction to a leadership consultancy.

Strategic Communications
  • Offered positioning counsel and introduced new market opportunities as member of marketing advisory council
  • Shaped company narrative and guided engagement messaging aimed at potential clients
  • Provided strategic and creative direction for marketing, communications and branding activities

Credit Suisse

Relaunched the focus of Diversity & Inclusion for a major financial services firm.

Research and Insights
  • Evaluated the companyʼs annual D&I survey and optimized the questions to elicit more functional responses
  • Analyzed survey data to develop recommendations for D&I programming that would meet the needs of each employee resource group
Strategic Communications
  • Led a communications and programming re-boot for Credit Suisse to better engage its employees in Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) activities
  1. Designed a comprehensive communications plan building on company’s initial need for a D&I brochure
  2. Led an extensive branding, messaging, and narrative-building exercise that helped form a narrative and lexicon for the D&I intranet site, brochures, presentations, case studies, and advertising
Process Improvements
  • Re-engineered the departmentʼs RFP and partnering process to help both the client and its potential partners think more strategically about what they could offer each other
  • Created a toolkit to help employee resource groups put policies, procedures, and programs into action. The toolkit defined D&I roles and responsibilities and contained step-by-step guides and templates to manage events and report successes

Bank Of America

Shifted the paradigm of employee network activities for a leading financial services firm.

Strategic Communications
  • Instituted a new progression paradigm that shifted employee network activities away from social events to innovation and business-focused activities
  • Created entire suite of employee network management tools and templates
  • Launched performance management guidance to help employee network leaders and sponsors better highlight the relevance of their work internally with their managers
  • Launched company’s first employee network annual report, helping raise Bank of America’s global profile on D&I internally and externally
  • Provided senior counsel to D&I executive on how to raise her profile as well as that of the networks, including the creation of an internal roadshow presentation highlighting important D&I statistics and information
  • Developed content for annual employee network leadership meeting and crafted follow-up report and resources to help attendees execute commitments from the meeting
Process Improvements
  • Developed employee network onboarding orientation session focused on aligning new and current network leadership with Bank of America D&I policies, and educating on procedures, history and leadership responsibilities
  • Provided counsel on user requirements for employee network Sharepoint site, including how best to integrate employee network tools and templates

Asia Society

Positioned the Asia Society as a thought leader on Asian-Americans in the corporate sector.

Research and Insights
  • Evolved survey questionnaire to better capture nuances of the experiences of Asian-Americans in corporate America
  • Analyzed response data and wrote survey reports highlighting findings in 2011 & 2012
Strategic Communications
  • Raised profile of Asia Pacific Americans Corporate Survey with media outreach.
  • Served as a media spokesperson on survey data significance