D&I Enterprise Strategy

At Jonathan Saw & Associates, we take a data and insights-based approach to help our clients develop or evolve a diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy. This approach enables our clients to better leverage D&I to meet the challenges of today’s rapidly changing diverse world. We understand that transparency and accountability must be component of this strategy. This enables clients to measure their progress towards creating a more inclusive and innovative workplace. Components of our strategy development process include:

  • Insights and data gathering
  • Measurement
  • Accountability
  • Strategy development and prioritization
  • Create and field surveys
  • Program and process assessments and evolutions
  • Strategic communications and culture change

D&I Program Development

Even for companies that already possess effective D&I strategies, there are always gaps and pain points within specific programs or initiatives. We support our clients in refining and evolving their existing programming to better achieve their changing business imperatives. Oftentimes, these programs or initiatives can benefit from the fresh perspectives, the latest research and the strategic guidance that we bring to the table. Our subject matter expertise allows us to the cut through the clutter to see the problem at hand and enable our clients to course correct.  Examples of programs we can advise on include:

  • Sponsorship
  • Mentoring
  • Employee resource groups (ERGs)
  • Leadership development
  • Learning/Training
  • 3rd party partnerships and giving 


D&I Communications

Communications are a strategic driver of a successful diversity and inclusion strategy at any organization. Aligning around a common D&I vision with specific objectives and concrete goals is a foundational element of a robust D&I strategy. It is also a key enabler in achieving the objectives of that strategy. Jonathan Saw & Associates is experienced in all aspects of creating a D&I communications strategy, from creating a vision and mission statement as well as creating and aligning messaging and plotting your overall D&I story. We also understand how to leverage D&I to positively affect external reputation across all stakeholders. Components of our communications advisory can include:

  • D&I vision, mission, and definition development
  • D&I rankings/survey approach
  • D&I external reputation strategy
  • D&I message creation and alignment
  • Creation of communications tools and resources (message map, slide library, toolkits, etc)
  • Messaging and visibility audits


Our Approach

Research and Insights

Mining the right data is key to building a powerful D&I strategy.  Our research strategies and services will help clients find and make sense of that data, so they can turn it into a story that key stakeholders can relate to and understand.

Process Improvement

A sound D&I strategy requires going beyond simply training people and awareness raising.  Systems and processes are also opportunities and challenges for companies trying to create inclusive environments. By auditing and analyzing existing processes, we identify what’s holding organizations back and what could set them free.

Strategic Communications

Strategic communications is a critical part of having your D&I strategy be successful.  We take the insights and learnings gleaned during the research stage and optimized through our process improvement exercise and turn them into a powerful communications and messaging platform that enables companies to effectively change their cultures.